Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to Get Your Team Members to Stand Up and Lead

To win in today’s market, team members have to step up and be ready to take a leadership role. It is not easy to instill leadership abilities in others. It’s very important to also understand that some people do not share the same goals and aspirations as you might. Keep an open mind and learn to use different techniques to inspire different people. Here are a few ways that you can inspire your team members to stand up and lead.

Challenge – Issue a challenge. (In today’s market environment, you probably have many challenges to issue!) Some people need a specific challenge to motivate them. By laying down a challenge you also create a very clear and measurable goal for the staff member to achieve.

Appeal to more noble motives – Many employees can think that their work does not make a difference. By appealing to a noble motive, you can increase morale while also setting higher standards for your staff members.

Be sympathetic – Never tell a person they are wrong. Rather listen and be empathetic to the other person’s ideas and desires.

Evidence – Back up your ideas with proof. By providing evidence you can give instant credibility to your ideas. If you have evidence, even staff members coming in from a totally different perspective from yours will take notice.

Listen – Listen to what your staff members have to say. Some employees may not have aspirations to reach top corporate positions; rather they are content if their opinions and ideas are valued.

Ask questions – Instead of giving direct orders, ask questions to guide your staff members to think through the issues – and come up with solutions themselves.

Make your staff members feel important – And do it sincerely. Faced with the market challenges today, your employees must be reassured that their contribution and leadership DOES have a huge impact on the company’s survival, stability, and growth.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Customer Service Tips

Establish Rapport
Many organizations try to "get more done, better, faster, with less." Having a foolproof customer service system where you take time to show the client appreciation is crucial to success. Also, enthusiasm is that ingredient of vitality mixed with a firm belief in what you are doing that ensures the success of any project you undertake.
  • Begin in a friendly way
  • Be genuinely interested in others
  • Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view
  • Show respect for the other person's opinion; Never say "you're wrong."
Overcoming Client Objections
Very often in any selling situation, obstacles will have to be overcome before a buying decision is made. Resolving objections effectively is a process that involves careful, sensitive listening along with positive, factual responses to the buyer's concerns. Consider the following sales techniques when preparing to meet with, or engaging in any dialogue with your customers or prospects:
  • Build a rapport
  • Express genuine interest
  • Produce a potential solution
  • Motivate the client to take action
  • Commit your service or product to enhancing their internal establishment
Effective Problem Solving
When a client contacts you regarding a problem, solve it immediately. Often by ignoring problems, we allow them to grow. Resolution should be quick so that problems do not become overwhelming. While the problem is still relatively small, attempt to decipher exactly what would be needed to have it resolved for good. Ascertaining this information before you begin is actually the first step to ensuring that the problem is rendered powerless. Acting quickly will also guarantee that the problem hasn't gotten completely out of hand. Here are a few tips on effective problem solving:
  • Get all the facts
  • Weigh all the facts - then come to a decision
  • Once a decision is reached - ACT!!
  • Answer the following questions:
  • What is the problem?
    What are the causes of the problem?
    What are the possible solutions?
    What is the best possible solution?
Differentiate your Company from the Competition
In order to differentiate ourselves in a crowded, competitive marketplace, we need to be unique with exciting approaches to solving buyer's problems. We also need to be present in a way that builds credibility and makes people want to buy. One of the most effective ways to do this is to build value in the solution of the sale. What we present and how we present it is critical to the buying/selling process.
  • Creative ideas result in new discoveries, better ways of doing things, reduced costs and improved performance.
  • Do your research to ensure that you’ve covered all bases and thought about all options.
  • Provide your client with the benefits of each solution.
  • Follow up by painting a word picture of your buyer using your solution, enjoying it, and benefiting from it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Delegation Process

Once a group or an individual makes a decision, the next step is to determine, "Who will do what, when, and to what standard?" Delegation is the process of sharing responsibility for results. Leaders determine the ultimate objectives to be met and the resources available, and then share and collaborate on the plan of action.
Identify the Need
Establish what you choose to delegate. Create a picture of what you want the outcome to be.

Select the Person
Identify to whom you will delegate and why you have chosen that person.
Steps 1 and 2 may be reversed depending on the desired purpose of delegation.

Plan the Delegation
  • Desired outcome: What is the outcome to be accomplished in the scope of this delegation plan? Create a picture of what you want to the outcome to be.
  • Current situation: Determine the reality of the current situation. Where are you today? As a leader, you need to make a thorough estimate of the situation, both internally and externally, to obtain a clear understanding of the factors that might help or hinder your efforts and enable you to set realistic goals.
  • Goals: Define and set the goals. These realistic goals are checkpoints that create mutual expectations and form the basis for most important management decisions. Leaders know that without goals, people will be task-oriented rather than results-oriented. As a leader, you must set realistic, reasonable, challenging, and attainable goals and then separate those goals into bite-sized pieces, which may be assigned to individuals in line with their particular skills and abilities. This makes these goals less formidable and more achievable. When your team achieves day-to-day goals, you are closer to achieving intermediate and long-range goals.

Hold a Delegation Meeting
During the meeting:
  • Identify specific results to be achieved. Clearly identify what you want the final result to be. 
  • Outline the rules and limitations. Clearly state what aspects of a goal cannot change and are not negotiable.
  • Review the performance standards. Set the performance standards with the individual and review the criteria for clarity and agreement.
Create a Plan of Action
The person who has been delegated the task should develop a plan of action that explains the steps that will be taken to accomplish the goal.

Review the Plan
Meet with the person who has been delegated the task to discuss the plan of action. Make any necessary adjustments until both parties are in agreement.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to Make the Most of Meetings

1. Time is of the Essence
Start your meeting on time regardless of the number of absent members. Don't punish those who arrived on time by waiting for others. Tell latecomers they can get what they missed later. This sets the standard for future meetings and may encourage people to arrive on time more consistently.

2. Request the "Honor of Your Presence" with Advanced Notice
When developing a meeting agenda, fill it with exciting action words to make it sound as inviting as possible. Dale Carnegie suggested, "arouse in the other person an eager want." Promise participants change or excitement.

3. Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
In a written format, at least 48 hours in advance, send out an informal agenda with topics, speakers, time constraints, action items, and desired results. Insist that each participant is prepared and has the proper documents and research. This will build momentum toward positive results and keep the meeting's momentum moving forward. If there are topics that require advance research, provide that information with the agenda.

4. Go for the Goal
Know what result is desired from the start and communicate it at every opportunity. Guide meeting conversations and discussions toward that conclusion. When meetings within meetings occur, remind participants of the ultimate goal to get things back on track.

5. Moving On
Have a list of questions ready to stimulate thought. Remember to keep things moving at a brisk pace. Try incorporating some of these questions:
  • How will this happen?
  • Where has this worked before?
  • Is there any evidence that will verify what has been said?
  • How do we start and maintain momentum?
  • Will this idea have any constraints?
6. Have a Seat, Be Comfortable!
Some say that if a room is cramped and uncomfortable, it will stimulate quick thinking and motivate the attendees to do what they need to do so they can return to the comfort of their desks. The opposite is also true. Some sources suggest setting up fewer chairs than needed. Late arrivals will feel uncomfortable when attempting to squeeze into the group, motivating them to arrive on time in the future. However, this strategy could backfire and cause negative results in some situations. Use proper judgment if exercising this option.

7. Try a Stand-Up Routine
Some organizations have meetings where everyone stands up. The idea is that the body and the brain work more effectively from this position. These types of meetings can achieve results quickly because it is easier to think off the top of the head when on the feet.

8. Eat -- then Meet
If you plan to have food at a meeting, schedule a separate time for eating into the itinerary. If the meeting begins at 8:00 sharp, in the agenda, state that breakfast will be served from 7:30 to 8:00 and that only coffee will be available after 8:00. Hunger can be the reason people show up, but the highlight of the meeting should not be the brand of bagels or the type of doughnuts served; it should be the meeting's results.

9. Read the Rules
As the facilitator, another ground rule to cut down on interruptions should be to ensure that voice mail is in operation or that telephone messages will be taken for the participants. We all know the "turn off the cell phone rule." Use it! This will eliminate reasons for anyone to miss one minute of the excitement. Be sure to provide breaks so that participants can check messages -- make sure to mention when the meeting will reconvene and stick to that time.

10. There's Always a Next Time
If appropriate, schedule the next meeting before the end of this one so that all involved have the same advance notice to arrange their schedules. Allow enough time for projects and assignments to be completed (if necessary). Make sure that these action and follow-up items are written down, so there is no confusion afterward. Distribute minutes no more than 48 hours after the meeting and reinforce task accountability.