Tuesday, March 18, 2014

6 Motivational Keys to Help People Succeed

At some point, everyone - including yourself - will feel the tug of flagging long-term motivation. 

What can you do to help employees recover long-term motivation? Motivation comes from within, not necessarily from a paycheck or praise from a superior. Instead, real-world advice and encouragement are the keys to changing the attitudes that increase motivation. 

6 ways people can get their mojo back: 
  1. Run with the motivated people. There are "can-do" people at every workplace. Find them and tag along. They always want to "do" and "be" better - and it rubs off. 
  2. Help others improve their motivation. Take the initiative and reach out to a co-worker to help them and boost their motivation. Helping someone powerfully improves your own motivation. 
  3. Set up a "positive" zone. People can read a positive book. Surround yourself with positive influences and things that make people smile and laugh. 
  4.  Plan for success. Create a to-do list and prioritize the tasks. Putting it all down on paper or in an Outlook calendar eases the burden. Tasks feel more manageable. 
  5. Give yourself time (and credit). Don't set the bar too high. Target short-term goals and attack a slice of your list daily. When you knock a task off the list, it'll motivate you to tackle the next one. 
  6. Stay away from the negative people. Every workplace has chronic complainers. "This place is too cheap to turn up the heat." "This isn't the way we used to do this." Steer clear of these people if possible.

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